Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Love Actually
On the Eve of Christmas Eve I find myself watching one of my favorite holiday movies....Love Actually. It is a hilarious romantic comedy, the type of movie I love (pardon the pun). I adore the premise of the movie, Love is actually all around us. I am up making a terrific blanket for one of the loves of my life, my niece Madison. At this time of year love is all around us, you just have to be sure you notice it.
Love is in a handmade card on notebook paper from a 7th grade volleyball player. Love is in the many gifts I was blessed with from co-workers and students at school. Love is in the handmade gifts, the thoughtful gifts, the Starbucks cards and in my favorite gift of all, a Christmas hug. A student announced to the class, "Ms. Ryan, I got you something too, a Christmas hug." I smiled, hugged her and then broke into a song and dance that went a little something like this...."All I want for Christmas is a big fat hug, a big fat hug, All I want for Christmas is a big fat hug, and that's what your brought me for Christmas." Love is in the hours spent making cookies, buying and wrapping gifts. Love is in the hugs from family and friends. Love is in my nephew's voice as he covers his face in soap suds in the bath and says, "Merry Christmas Eve" in his best almost two year old Santa voice. Love is in the hope that after all the blind dates, bad dates and absolutely hilarious dates, "the one" for me is out there and when the time is right, God will place him in my life at precisely the moment He planned. Love is wrapped in the strength my cousin Caleb displays over and over in his fight against cancer. His home is filled with love and occasionally brotherly quarrels. Love is in the intricate wedding plans and preparations for my best friend's wedding. Love is in the phone calls, emails and text messages from friends and family. Love will be all around my little brother Patrick's tree as we decorate it in his memory on Christmas Eve.
I am surrounded by people I love and who love me on a daily basis. My cousin Andrea just sent me a text message that said, "Hurry up and get over here, I miss your brown hair." I know she does and as always it was a fantastic time to be surrounded my by family at yet another Katie and the Ager's sleep over. We all collapse in a giant heap on the couch, watch movies and just talk. You see love comes in heaps!
This Christmas season I am feeling very loved. I hope you take the time to see all the love in your life. Merry Christmas everyone.
P.S. Anyone know how many times the word 'love' is used in the post? Not very good word choice I suppose but the magic was in the repetition for this blog:)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
There was something I have been meaning to post. Click this to go to a video that still gives me goose bumps. My roommate and I watched Barack Obama become our 44th President-elect. What an amazing moment in history. I am so excited for what is to come in our great nation. The powerful stories I heard are too numerous to be noted here. For the first time, when I go teach at summer camp in Arizona, the students will have reason to believe me when I say they can become ANYTHING. What a powerful thing.
Reasons to be thankful
In honor of the month of November, I am presenting you with my list of things to be thankful for. These items are in no particular order, just an order of genuine thankfulness. Without further ado or explanation here it goes:
1. Caleb is in maintenance.... what does that mean? It means he has made it through the toughest part of his treatment. He is an inspiration, a fighter and with some more prayer and good thoughts his way will be back in pre-school after Thanksgiving. He still has a ways go but things look much much better than they did in March. Way to go Cayman!!!
2. I am going to Maryland to see Caleb, his four brothers, Casey, Cameron, Connor and Colton, and of course his mom and dad, Mike and Melanie, for Thanksgiving. I can't wait! This will be my third trip out there this year. I love it more and more with each visit.
3. I am thankful for good friends. I have so many good friends in all corners of the world and I am so blessed by their presence in my life. Some I see and talk to all the time, others I only talk to on the phone or via internet every so often. Someone once told me that you are the same person you were on the day you were born. The only things that change you are the books you read and the people you meet. What a powerful statement. I know my friends have helped make the person I am today.
4. My family, they may be crazy, they may not see eye to eye with me on all things political, but they are my family. They have also helped make me who I am today and love me all the time, all the time.
5. My job, during "economic crisis" times like we live in today, I am so blessed to have a job that I can now enjoy again, because report cards are done:) I do love my job and all of the amazing children I get to work with everyday.
6. My night job, I love coaching volleyball, we had our banquet on Monday and I was showered with gifts. That is not why I love coaching, I love coaching because one of the girls wrote on my gift and said, "you have taught me so much about volleyball and just as a person. I will miss you" Another girl said " You are a great coach, I would have nobody but you." The relationships I was able to build with those athletes have made me a better person and I am so humbled by the opportunity to impact their lives.
7. My car, as I traveled up icy and snow packed I70 yesterday I became increasingly thankful for my little honda that could. With new snow tires and great gas mileage, I am the only reason I am late for work...occasionally:)
8. My cat. I love my cat. Tulo is the kind of cat that wakes me up every morning without fail. If it wasn't for him, I would be even later to my destinations. He keeps me company by following me around as I attempt to clean house and lays next to me when I am in a work induced coma. He is calming and entertaining and I just love him.
9. Yoga. Yoga makes me stronger physically and emotionally. It meets me where I am and helps keep me strong and sane. Even on my worst body image days, I can look in the mirror and say, okay I may not be happy with just how big my butt is today, but today I did a handstand, that's pretty cool. I love the yogis I meet and how nice and genuine they all are.
10. I am thankful for my health. I have personally known a great many people to be ill in the past year, 3 with cancer. We recently had an e-coli outbreak in the area my school is in. I am so thankful to be healthy.
11. The common thread in all of these things is God, He never gives you more than you can handle, even if you don't believe it at the moment. Thank God for that and for all things.
Well I know I am missing some things but that will suffice for today. Thank you :)
1. Caleb is in maintenance.... what does that mean? It means he has made it through the toughest part of his treatment. He is an inspiration, a fighter and with some more prayer and good thoughts his way will be back in pre-school after Thanksgiving. He still has a ways go but things look much much better than they did in March. Way to go Cayman!!!
2. I am going to Maryland to see Caleb, his four brothers, Casey, Cameron, Connor and Colton, and of course his mom and dad, Mike and Melanie, for Thanksgiving. I can't wait! This will be my third trip out there this year. I love it more and more with each visit.
3. I am thankful for good friends. I have so many good friends in all corners of the world and I am so blessed by their presence in my life. Some I see and talk to all the time, others I only talk to on the phone or via internet every so often. Someone once told me that you are the same person you were on the day you were born. The only things that change you are the books you read and the people you meet. What a powerful statement. I know my friends have helped make the person I am today.
4. My family, they may be crazy, they may not see eye to eye with me on all things political, but they are my family. They have also helped make me who I am today and love me all the time, all the time.
5. My job, during "economic crisis" times like we live in today, I am so blessed to have a job that I can now enjoy again, because report cards are done:) I do love my job and all of the amazing children I get to work with everyday.
6. My night job, I love coaching volleyball, we had our banquet on Monday and I was showered with gifts. That is not why I love coaching, I love coaching because one of the girls wrote on my gift and said, "you have taught me so much about volleyball and just as a person. I will miss you" Another girl said " You are a great coach, I would have nobody but you." The relationships I was able to build with those athletes have made me a better person and I am so humbled by the opportunity to impact their lives.
7. My car, as I traveled up icy and snow packed I70 yesterday I became increasingly thankful for my little honda that could. With new snow tires and great gas mileage, I am the only reason I am late for work...occasionally:)
8. My cat. I love my cat. Tulo is the kind of cat that wakes me up every morning without fail. If it wasn't for him, I would be even later to my destinations. He keeps me company by following me around as I attempt to clean house and lays next to me when I am in a work induced coma. He is calming and entertaining and I just love him.
9. Yoga. Yoga makes me stronger physically and emotionally. It meets me where I am and helps keep me strong and sane. Even on my worst body image days, I can look in the mirror and say, okay I may not be happy with just how big my butt is today, but today I did a handstand, that's pretty cool. I love the yogis I meet and how nice and genuine they all are.
10. I am thankful for my health. I have personally known a great many people to be ill in the past year, 3 with cancer. We recently had an e-coli outbreak in the area my school is in. I am so thankful to be healthy.
11. The common thread in all of these things is God, He never gives you more than you can handle, even if you don't believe it at the moment. Thank God for that and for all things.
Well I know I am missing some things but that will suffice for today. Thank you :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
New Month,New Blog, New Pose
I went back to yoga today! It is so strange to me that I can get myself into a place where I think I don't have time for yoga. The feeling I have as I leave class and resonates for the rest of my day is worth whatever sacrifice I have to make to get to class. Typically that sacrifice is getting out of bed at a reasonable hour on a Saturday morning. Habits are called habits for a reason and I am going to get back into my favorite habit of Saturday Morning Yoga class! I was nervous to return to my favorite level 2/3 vinyasa class because I hadn't been in so long. The thing I love about yoga is that it requires you to check your ego at the door. Yoga meets you where you are and gives you just what you need. Do you have to have the best downward dog in class? No! My teacher is always genuinely excited to see me at class and often greets me with a hug, if I make it before class starts:)
Today she announced that we would be doing forearm stand....I started to panic and my ego reappeared asking me if I was really ready to embarrass myself like that today....thoughts like, "my shoulders aren't strong enough, my core isn't stable enough, am I really ready for this pose" bombarded me. I watched a person from class offer to demonstrate the pose and she did it beautifully. Then she announced that it was the first time she had ever done that pose! Well, then I started to change my thought pattern and give it a shot.
I picked a partner and she helped me find my forearm stand! It was so fun, I love inversions and this one is topping the charts for favorite poses. Isn't it funny that something we fear can be so fun and so freeing! I haven't attempted to do this without the help of a wall or a spotter, but when I am ready, I'll get it.
Today is a gorgeous fall day in Colorado, I am going to get out there and enjoy it!
I will have a bit more confidence in my step today, yoga makes me feel like I can accomplish anything:) Guess I figured out what to do now that volleyball season is over.
Namaste :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
All good things come to an end
The 2008 volleyball season is officially over for my team. I haven't blogged much, okay at all since season started. So many fun things have happened over the course of the season. During pre-season we went to one of the players' cabin at Grand Lake. It is beautiful there! We did our pre-season routine complete with running red rocks with the help of my cousin Andrea. We ran up a mountain at three sisters. We also went to Regis team camp for three fun filled days. Once tryouts were out of the way we were off and running. My life was full of practice planning ( I actually typed 90% of the practice plans this season.) That fact should be impressive to my dear friends Amy and Nicole who have coached with me before :) We played against some of the best competition in the state and were able to give them a run for their money. We lost... a lot, 14 times to be exact, we lost close games, we gave games away and we left our hearts on the floor in others. We won 6 times, and those 6 times were all the more special because they were seemingly so hard to come by. It didn't matter what the outcome of the game was, it was always a joy to coach this group of young ladies. They were so funny, so bonded on and off the court and at times were simply amazing on the court. They were also high school girls, more concerned with homecoming and plans for Friday night than keeping their heads at practice. My favorite memories will be those times when the entire team collapsed on the floor laughing. That happened a lot, we had a few girls who just couldn't seen to stay on their feet. We had a practice at the Sport Oasis, a warehouse with 7 sand volleyball courts. We raised money for Caleb through the Light the Night Walk for Leukemia and Lymphoma at Wash Park. We had team dinners, they tried out for the MTV show Made, we had Saturday practices followed by lunches together. We tried just about everything under the sun to come up with win. What we did come up with was friendships that will last a lifetime and priceless memories. It is my hope that at least 2 of the seniors will continue their volleyball careers in college. It is my hope that they will look back on this season with fond memories. At this time of year I am typically very excited to be getting my evenings back to myself. This year feels a little different. I think that is due to the fact that the girls bought into the program and all my silly ways. They believed in what I was doing for the program and that will lay the foundation for success in years to come. I am proud of my team and will sincerely miss them. This has been my most disappointing season in terms of wins and losses. This has been one of my most rewarding seasons based on the impact the girls had on me and vice versa. I can't sit around and miss them too tryouts are next Sunday and I will have a whole new crew of girls to work with....maybe someday I will take a break :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Just two lanes away
This blog is neither funny or fabricated in any way. I am not even sure if this is okay to blog about. I think it is necessary because I can't sleep and I pray that people could learn from this lesson. As if I wasn't aware, it was drilled into me this summer just how precious life is. I hit an Elk coming home from camping in Arizona this summer, actually a little less than 2 weeks ago. I will blog about that later, it is just important to know that it could have been very serious. Thank God, myself, my four close friends and the elk were all 100% healthy. The elk's health rating is an estimate but I am sure she is doing well by now. My car is actually just fine considering the circumstances. So that was a close call. The rest of this blog is completely dedicated to strangers......
Tonight I was driving my sister and two guy friends home from down town Denver. It was about 2 am. A guy in the car with us was giving me directions, he told me to turn on a street, I signaled changed lanes and was getting ready to turn. After I changed lanes and approached the intersection, he said "Oh, no not this street". I said oh well I am turning here. I came to a stop at the intersection and saw a group of people crossing the street in front of my car. That would have been okay except the light was green, the cars in the lanes next to me were going....
The next thing I knew I heard brakes squealing and the unforgettable sound of two pedestrians being hit by a Honda. A car much like mine, in a lane I would have been in, if not for poor directions. We threw my car in park and dialed the police. I witnessed the friends of those two people that were struck by the car sobbing and trying to keep their friends conscious I imagine. I watched a helpless friend scream for an ambulance for his friend. The fire trucks, the ambulances, the police cars, the stretchers, the tears, the people, the driver's sobriety test, the crime scene tape, the horrible reality of the situation, I witnessed. The cops kept apologizing for keeping us waiting and thanking us for being coherent witnesses. I couldn't care less how long I stood there, my life had not been altered in the most earth shattering way that others had. In a blink of an eye, someone lost their life, someone is in serious condition and the driver's life will undoubtedly be altered significantly. Please if you have ever thought of driving home after just a few drinks, don't . If you have been drinking and people run in front of your car, it is your fault. The police officer told us that tonight as we waited for the detective.
I pray for the people and their families and the way their lives will be changed forever. I haven't cried yet, I feel so numb. Yet, I feel so selfishly thankful that I am alive and that I had bad directions and was not driving through that intersection.
I was feeling pretty sorry for myself earlier today because after the elk incident, I also had a fender bender in a parking lot today. A lady and I were backing out of parking spots and didn't see each other (maybe because my side view mirror was knocked off by the elk). I was upset about my insurance rates. I can't even fathom the pain and agony the driver of another Honda just two lanes away feels at this moment. My prayers go out to that driver and the families of the victims.
As I drove home I saw a sign outside a church on my street it said "Each sunrise is a gift from God". It made me realize that we are not entitled to another day tomorrow just because we have things to do and people we love. Everyday is a gift and we certainly do not know how long our gift will last. Make the most of each moment, drive sober, wear your seatbelt, look both ways and know that I love you.
Tonight I was driving my sister and two guy friends home from down town Denver. It was about 2 am. A guy in the car with us was giving me directions, he told me to turn on a street, I signaled changed lanes and was getting ready to turn. After I changed lanes and approached the intersection, he said "Oh, no not this street". I said oh well I am turning here. I came to a stop at the intersection and saw a group of people crossing the street in front of my car. That would have been okay except the light was green, the cars in the lanes next to me were going....
The next thing I knew I heard brakes squealing and the unforgettable sound of two pedestrians being hit by a Honda. A car much like mine, in a lane I would have been in, if not for poor directions. We threw my car in park and dialed the police. I witnessed the friends of those two people that were struck by the car sobbing and trying to keep their friends conscious I imagine. I watched a helpless friend scream for an ambulance for his friend. The fire trucks, the ambulances, the police cars, the stretchers, the tears, the people, the driver's sobriety test, the crime scene tape, the horrible reality of the situation, I witnessed. The cops kept apologizing for keeping us waiting and thanking us for being coherent witnesses. I couldn't care less how long I stood there, my life had not been altered in the most earth shattering way that others had. In a blink of an eye, someone lost their life, someone is in serious condition and the driver's life will undoubtedly be altered significantly. Please if you have ever thought of driving home after just a few drinks, don't . If you have been drinking and people run in front of your car, it is your fault. The police officer told us that tonight as we waited for the detective.
I pray for the people and their families and the way their lives will be changed forever. I haven't cried yet, I feel so numb. Yet, I feel so selfishly thankful that I am alive and that I had bad directions and was not driving through that intersection.
I was feeling pretty sorry for myself earlier today because after the elk incident, I also had a fender bender in a parking lot today. A lady and I were backing out of parking spots and didn't see each other (maybe because my side view mirror was knocked off by the elk). I was upset about my insurance rates. I can't even fathom the pain and agony the driver of another Honda just two lanes away feels at this moment. My prayers go out to that driver and the families of the victims.
As I drove home I saw a sign outside a church on my street it said "Each sunrise is a gift from God". It made me realize that we are not entitled to another day tomorrow just because we have things to do and people we love. Everyday is a gift and we certainly do not know how long our gift will last. Make the most of each moment, drive sober, wear your seatbelt, look both ways and know that I love you.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Summer Camp Sensation
I have been at camp in Flagstaff for 2 weeks how time flies! The first group of students I had were amazing as always. They will constantly be in my thoughts and prayers as they are now back at home hopefully taking what they learned from camp and using it to help them in their daily lives. It is so nice to be back working with the people I have grown to love over the past 5 summers of working together. My cousin Andrea got a job here at camp too, it is so nice to have her here. Just wanted to quickly update you on why I haven't blogged in so long. I have been busy changing lives :) Oh and just having a great time partying with great friends on our days off :)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Patrick
Today is my little brother's 25th birthday. It is on days like today that I can only wonder who he would be today. Every year on his birthday I remember how much he loved being the same age as me for one whole month. I remember that I hated it. Today I wish that just one more time, we could be the same age for one whole month. Of course when we were both six, I had no idea that would be the last time we would share an age. I miss you Patrick! I will cherish this month of time when we would both be 25 years old. I know you are watching over me and I thank God for your love and protection. Happy birthday Angel.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Katie and Andrea's Day of FUN
This is what I do when I feel extremely happy! Can you believe I can jump that high? Look Amy, its almost like the pictures you take of Jonathan! I think he can jump much higher than me :)
This blog is a long time coming. My cousin Andrea and I ran the Running of the Green, the St. Patrick's Day race in downtown Denver. We always have so much fun together and this day was another in a long line of fun running memories. Andrea was cracking me up as she mimicked serious runners warmups and just acted like a goofball all around. So these t-shirts have a story all their own....
Just in case you didn't already know this about Andrea and I...we are SO worth it! I saw this shirt at the volleyball tournament at the convention center and Andrea and I thought it was great. What a good reminder to yourself and it this particular moment in my life, it was just the reminder I needed:) Andrea thought the green shirt would be perfect for our race and the rest was history. We had some interesting comments by people about our shirts. Overall we felt great about ourselves and had so much fun. I was a bit disappointed when a guy on the street said, hey I like your shirt and you are worth it. I responded with "Oh, thank you." He looked at me and said, "Not you, I was talking about her," as he motioned to Andrea. It was hilarious.
Andrea could not resist the urge to take home this sign...
I tried to pretend as if I didn't know her as she took the sign down. She reminded me later that everyone knew I was with her, we were in matching outfits. I have never laughed so hard as I did walking with Andrea carrying that sign through downtown. After we reached the car we took tons of photos jumping in the air like leprechauns...see this blogs first photo. Here is Andrea...
After we got back to her house we tried to recreate the magic for the family.
What a fun day. It is days like these I feel so blessed. Thank God for days like this.
This blog is a long time coming. My cousin Andrea and I ran the Running of the Green, the St. Patrick's Day race in downtown Denver. We always have so much fun together and this day was another in a long line of fun running memories. Andrea was cracking me up as she mimicked serious runners warmups and just acted like a goofball all around. So these t-shirts have a story all their own....
Just in case you didn't already know this about Andrea and I...we are SO worth it! I saw this shirt at the volleyball tournament at the convention center and Andrea and I thought it was great. What a good reminder to yourself and it this particular moment in my life, it was just the reminder I needed:) Andrea thought the green shirt would be perfect for our race and the rest was history. We had some interesting comments by people about our shirts. Overall we felt great about ourselves and had so much fun. I was a bit disappointed when a guy on the street said, hey I like your shirt and you are worth it. I responded with "Oh, thank you." He looked at me and said, "Not you, I was talking about her," as he motioned to Andrea. It was hilarious.
Andrea could not resist the urge to take home this sign...
I tried to pretend as if I didn't know her as she took the sign down. She reminded me later that everyone knew I was with her, we were in matching outfits. I have never laughed so hard as I did walking with Andrea carrying that sign through downtown. After we reached the car we took tons of photos jumping in the air like leprechauns...see this blogs first photo. Here is Andrea...
After we got back to her house we tried to recreate the magic for the family.
What a fun day. It is days like these I feel so blessed. Thank God for days like this.
I'll take Yoga...on the rocks please
Sunday morning I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a one hour "Butts and Guts" class followed by a one hour yoga practice. Class was held at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. I have conditioned my volleyball teams there and ran the stairs myself till I thought I might just throw up. Today I was able to experience Red Rocks in a whole new way. There are hardly words to describe the feeling of practicing eagle pose with the wind causing my yoga mat to dance and my pose to gently sway in the breeze. It was so amazing to do sun salutations and have the teacher encourage you to reach to the sun, and you can actually feel the sun beating down on you and for a moment you do really feel as if you can reach the sun. As we were taking in the beauty around us, the teacher encouraged us to appreciate the beauty but to also remember that beauty also lies within each and everyone of us. What a powerful message. I left yoga with my butt feeling a bit tighter and my spirits soaring. What a way to start the day.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Poetry for Amy
We are working on poetry with my writing groups. Here is what we came up with today as it was snowing like crazy outside!!
If today was a snowday I would get more sleep,
If today was a snowday the students wouldn't make a peep!
If today was a snowday I'd read a book,
If today was a snowday I would email Mrs. Hook!
If today was a snowday I would get more sleep,
If today was a snowday the students wouldn't make a peep!
If today was a snowday I'd read a book,
If today was a snowday I would email Mrs. Hook!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Back in Colorado
I arrived back home on Friday evening. For those of you who know me well this will come as no surprise.... I had a ridiculously difficult time saying goodbye and leaving my cousins in Maryland. Casey and Cameron didn't really say goodbye as they hurried out the door and off to school. Connor avoided going to school for as long as he possibly could. Mike and I let him :) I hadn't cried in front of the boys, well except for baby Colton, all week. I suppose I felt like I didn't want to pile my emotions on top of all the emotion that already filled their beautiful home. Friday morning, exhausted and not wanting to leave, it all leaked out.
My cousin Mike has had a special place in my heart since I was 7 years old. He came to my brother's funeral and I don't remember how long he stayed in Colorado or where he stayed. What I do remember is the love and attention he showered me with while he was there. I wish that there would have been a million other ways for me to return the favor than by doing so while his own son was sick. So needless to say, saying goodbye to Mike was difficult for me. He gave me a hug and thanked me for all I had done while I was there and all I could do was cry. I wanted so much to tell him all he has meant to me for all these years but all I could do was cry. I did manage to tell Connor that his Dad came to spend time with me when I was about his age and that meant a lot to me. I think Mike knew what I meant. Anyway I finally managed to say goodbye and throw Connor around in the air a few more times before he headed off to kindergarten...tardy. Did I mention yet that Connor had show and tell at school while I was there? Guess what he wanted to bring.....ME! I am going to miss that boy!
Here is a photo of me, Mike, Connor and my dad from this summer when my dad and I went to an Orioles game with them.
Well, I was able to take baby Colton for one last run that morning, clean up the house, finish some laundry and pack all before 1pm when my ride to the airport arrived. My experience as mom for a week had come to an end. I cried some more while I was at the airport and speaking to Melanie and Mike on the phone.
Once I arrived back in Denver it became quickly evident how quiet my apartment is with just my cat and I. I caught a bit of a 24 hour flu bug or food poisioning...something that was didn't make me feel very well. I didn't sleep well at all and I still can't figure out if it was because I was sick or I was lonely. Here is picture of how most nights ended for me in Maryland...
Connor is much more fun to read to at night than my cat. Someday I think it will be nice to have a houseful of kids. Since it has been almost a week since I have been home, I must say I am grateful that at this time in my life all I have is a cat to take care of. Being back to teaching and coaching leaves little time for me to take care of 5 boys:)
Here is picture of Caleb and I playing Nintendo Wii on the second day I was in Maryland...
Caleb came home from the hospital the day I left Baltimore. That Monday he was taken to the ER when he spiked a fever. He has been in the hospital all week. Tuesday he undergoes another bone marrow test and spinal puncture to see how he has responded to the treatment. Thank you for praying for Caleb and please continue to do so. This disease has impacted Caleb and his family in so many ways. I hope that I will be able to go back out there this summer. I miss those boys already!
My camera battery died while I was uploading pictures so the remainder of pictures from this trip will have to wait for another day, another blog:)
Mike and Melanie have a fabulous network of friends in Maryland. One friend in particular has started a website for Caleb. She posts updates as often as she can.
Check out that link and type in CalebSchneck without any spaces to view his page.
My cousin Mike has had a special place in my heart since I was 7 years old. He came to my brother's funeral and I don't remember how long he stayed in Colorado or where he stayed. What I do remember is the love and attention he showered me with while he was there. I wish that there would have been a million other ways for me to return the favor than by doing so while his own son was sick. So needless to say, saying goodbye to Mike was difficult for me. He gave me a hug and thanked me for all I had done while I was there and all I could do was cry. I wanted so much to tell him all he has meant to me for all these years but all I could do was cry. I did manage to tell Connor that his Dad came to spend time with me when I was about his age and that meant a lot to me. I think Mike knew what I meant. Anyway I finally managed to say goodbye and throw Connor around in the air a few more times before he headed off to kindergarten...tardy. Did I mention yet that Connor had show and tell at school while I was there? Guess what he wanted to bring.....ME! I am going to miss that boy!
Here is a photo of me, Mike, Connor and my dad from this summer when my dad and I went to an Orioles game with them.
Well, I was able to take baby Colton for one last run that morning, clean up the house, finish some laundry and pack all before 1pm when my ride to the airport arrived. My experience as mom for a week had come to an end. I cried some more while I was at the airport and speaking to Melanie and Mike on the phone.
Once I arrived back in Denver it became quickly evident how quiet my apartment is with just my cat and I. I caught a bit of a 24 hour flu bug or food poisioning...something that was didn't make me feel very well. I didn't sleep well at all and I still can't figure out if it was because I was sick or I was lonely. Here is picture of how most nights ended for me in Maryland...
Connor is much more fun to read to at night than my cat. Someday I think it will be nice to have a houseful of kids. Since it has been almost a week since I have been home, I must say I am grateful that at this time in my life all I have is a cat to take care of. Being back to teaching and coaching leaves little time for me to take care of 5 boys:)
Here is picture of Caleb and I playing Nintendo Wii on the second day I was in Maryland...
Caleb came home from the hospital the day I left Baltimore. That Monday he was taken to the ER when he spiked a fever. He has been in the hospital all week. Tuesday he undergoes another bone marrow test and spinal puncture to see how he has responded to the treatment. Thank you for praying for Caleb and please continue to do so. This disease has impacted Caleb and his family in so many ways. I hope that I will be able to go back out there this summer. I miss those boys already!
My camera battery died while I was uploading pictures so the remainder of pictures from this trip will have to wait for another day, another blog:)
Mike and Melanie have a fabulous network of friends in Maryland. One friend in particular has started a website for Caleb. She posts updates as often as she can.
Check out that link and type in CalebSchneck without any spaces to view his page.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Why Mom's should leave sub plans
1. I need to know what to do at 4:25 and the two oldest boys are wrestling near the staircase.
2. I need to know how to cook the London broil Connor's class so generously sent him home with.
3. I need to know how to cut the catalope just the way mom does it.
4. What do you do when it is 7:15 and the baby still won't stop crying?
5. What do you do at 9:00 and all the kids have eaten are popsicles and ice cream bars because they aren't hungry yet?
6. Most importantly, what can you possibly do or say to make things better when their little brother has to stay at the hospital again and we don't know how soon he and Mom are coming home?
Caleb spiked a fever today while at the hospital for chemo. He and his mom will be at the hospital for a least a day or two. Please keep up the prayers for Caleb. Please also pray for the rest of the family as they cope with this cancer in their own unique ways.
Oh and by the way....I did figure out what to do in all the above situations (except #6, that is a tough one). Don't worry, no one was seriously injured in any fighting today :) During the school day I actually went for a beautiful run with the baby and practiced yoga on the deck while the baby slept. All things considered, a pretty good day pretending to be a mom. Although I am not ready to have an army of my own, just yet, someday....I could do this :) For the moment, a week at a time is good for me!
2. I need to know how to cook the London broil Connor's class so generously sent him home with.
3. I need to know how to cut the catalope just the way mom does it.
4. What do you do when it is 7:15 and the baby still won't stop crying?
5. What do you do at 9:00 and all the kids have eaten are popsicles and ice cream bars because they aren't hungry yet?
6. Most importantly, what can you possibly do or say to make things better when their little brother has to stay at the hospital again and we don't know how soon he and Mom are coming home?
Caleb spiked a fever today while at the hospital for chemo. He and his mom will be at the hospital for a least a day or two. Please keep up the prayers for Caleb. Please also pray for the rest of the family as they cope with this cancer in their own unique ways.
Oh and by the way....I did figure out what to do in all the above situations (except #6, that is a tough one). Don't worry, no one was seriously injured in any fighting today :) During the school day I actually went for a beautiful run with the baby and practiced yoga on the deck while the baby slept. All things considered, a pretty good day pretending to be a mom. Although I am not ready to have an army of my own, just yet, someday....I could do this :) For the moment, a week at a time is good for me!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Stevensville, Maryland
I am here in Maryland! I haven't figured out how to post pictures from this computer, so that may have to wait until I get back home...sorry in advance for the lack of fun photos to view.
From the moment I arrived here, I have a had a shadow by the name of Connor, Shorty is his nickname:) Shorty is six years old and full of more energy and excitement than I have ever seen. He can occasionally be caught full of emotion and doing his best to fight off his older brothers:) Mostly he is just following me around begging me to play him in basketball, wii, or car racing on the arcade video games they have here.
Casey is the oldest boy and enjoys showing me around the neighborhood on the family golf cart. Even though he is 10 and not 14(the minimum age required for golf card driving) he does an excellent job driving around the neighborhood. He only "hot dogs" a few times:) He is an exceptional tree climber and I will post those pictures later. He is also a master trail maker and practices in the wetlands next to his house. We have been on many adventure walks and I have found him to be the most polite in adventure walk settings. He often holds back branches for me to get by and chooses paths that aren't nearly as difficult for me to navigate!
Cameron is 8 years old, has straight A's this year and just might be the most popular kid in third grade:) He likes to kick my butt in mortal combat, football and basketball. He can most often be found playing war with his army men.
Colton is the baby, 11 months old. He is a love!!! His brothers call him Coco. I have never seen a baby army crawl quite like him. It is the fastest way for him to get around on all the hardwood floor and he can move at lighting speed! He is the most easy going loving baby I have ever met, I just might have to take him home.
Last but certainly not least, there is Caleb. Caleb is three years old and the reason for my visit. He came home from the hospital the day before I arrived and has been quite the fighter. Leukemia has taken some of his energy but none of his easy going and loving spirit. On my first day here, he brought me a game for the wii and sat in my lap for hours playing a mario game. He quickly stole my heart. He is fighting his battle bravely. He hunted for Easter eggs with his brothers on Easter and beat me in Sponge Bob uno. He is a beautiful little boy whose bravery inspires me daily. His smile lights up the room and his parent's hearts. We love you K-man!
Whenever I feel tired I look at Caleb and smile for the little miracles in life. He may have Leukemia but he will have it beat! I was changing a diaper today and looked to my left, right out on to the water. This place is so beautiful, I can't wait to post some pictures for you all.
Thanks for your prayers for Caleb, he is doing so much better than expected.
More to come!
From the moment I arrived here, I have a had a shadow by the name of Connor, Shorty is his nickname:) Shorty is six years old and full of more energy and excitement than I have ever seen. He can occasionally be caught full of emotion and doing his best to fight off his older brothers:) Mostly he is just following me around begging me to play him in basketball, wii, or car racing on the arcade video games they have here.
Casey is the oldest boy and enjoys showing me around the neighborhood on the family golf cart. Even though he is 10 and not 14(the minimum age required for golf card driving) he does an excellent job driving around the neighborhood. He only "hot dogs" a few times:) He is an exceptional tree climber and I will post those pictures later. He is also a master trail maker and practices in the wetlands next to his house. We have been on many adventure walks and I have found him to be the most polite in adventure walk settings. He often holds back branches for me to get by and chooses paths that aren't nearly as difficult for me to navigate!
Cameron is 8 years old, has straight A's this year and just might be the most popular kid in third grade:) He likes to kick my butt in mortal combat, football and basketball. He can most often be found playing war with his army men.
Colton is the baby, 11 months old. He is a love!!! His brothers call him Coco. I have never seen a baby army crawl quite like him. It is the fastest way for him to get around on all the hardwood floor and he can move at lighting speed! He is the most easy going loving baby I have ever met, I just might have to take him home.
Last but certainly not least, there is Caleb. Caleb is three years old and the reason for my visit. He came home from the hospital the day before I arrived and has been quite the fighter. Leukemia has taken some of his energy but none of his easy going and loving spirit. On my first day here, he brought me a game for the wii and sat in my lap for hours playing a mario game. He quickly stole my heart. He is fighting his battle bravely. He hunted for Easter eggs with his brothers on Easter and beat me in Sponge Bob uno. He is a beautiful little boy whose bravery inspires me daily. His smile lights up the room and his parent's hearts. We love you K-man!
Whenever I feel tired I look at Caleb and smile for the little miracles in life. He may have Leukemia but he will have it beat! I was changing a diaper today and looked to my left, right out on to the water. This place is so beautiful, I can't wait to post some pictures for you all.
Thanks for your prayers for Caleb, he is doing so much better than expected.
More to come!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The good, the sad and the funny all in one day.
This week has been full of ups and downs. I was coaching at crossroads all weekend (see previous blog :) When I returned to school on Tuesday, I was greeted by my hilarious crew of students I am blessed to work with. (Here comes the funny part ) One of the little girls I work with has been sick and was incessantly wiping her nose. I said, just blow it and get it over with! (In my nicest teacher voice of course) She did and then like all kids do, she had to look at what came out....then she said loudly, "Good thing I didn't blow my brains out!"
That afternoon I was totally surprised at the staff meeting. I was voted Teacher of the Year for my building. My response all week has been, "Who? Me?" I can't even believe it. (That was the good part)
Shortly after that, I went to my room and checked my email. (This is where it gets sad) My aunt had emailed me about my cousin in Baltimore. My dad and I had the amazing opportunity to visit my cousin Mike and his wife Melanie at the end of our baseball trip. They have five boys ages 10,8,6,3 and 9 months. That day, Caleb, the beautiful three year old was diagnosed with leukemia and admitted to the hospital. I thought of the time I spent there this summer and started to cry. I can't even imagine how they are going to balance the treatments and the boys at home. I emailed my aunt, called Mike and offered my help over spring break. I will be there for a week doing what I can to help them during this time. Please pray for Caleb and his family. His little body is undergoing chemotherapy already. Here are some pictures of the family.
This is Connor and I, Caleb is in the background.
This is Caleb
Here he is again :)
Thanks for your prayers!
That afternoon I was totally surprised at the staff meeting. I was voted Teacher of the Year for my building. My response all week has been, "Who? Me?" I can't even believe it. (That was the good part)
Shortly after that, I went to my room and checked my email. (This is where it gets sad) My aunt had emailed me about my cousin in Baltimore. My dad and I had the amazing opportunity to visit my cousin Mike and his wife Melanie at the end of our baseball trip. They have five boys ages 10,8,6,3 and 9 months. That day, Caleb, the beautiful three year old was diagnosed with leukemia and admitted to the hospital. I thought of the time I spent there this summer and started to cry. I can't even imagine how they are going to balance the treatments and the boys at home. I emailed my aunt, called Mike and offered my help over spring break. I will be there for a week doing what I can to help them during this time. Please pray for Caleb and his family. His little body is undergoing chemotherapy already. Here are some pictures of the family.
This is Connor and I, Caleb is in the background.
This is Caleb
Here he is again :)
Thanks for your prayers!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Another fabulous weekend spent coaching volleyball. Colorado Crossroads Junior National Qualifier was this past weekend. The girls played great. We were all exhausted by Monday, the final day of competition. I have decided that jumping on concrete with a layer of sport court over it, has to be just awful for your knees. My team was quite achy by day three. We had our ups and downs as usual. It is so fun to compete with teams from across the country. I wish you could have seen me sprinting down Stout St. to make it to practice on time on Friday. I was running as fast as I could with my clip board and bag of balls. Ahh...the fabulous life of a coach:)
You will have to click on the link to see the picture...I can't figure out how else to get it on here! Scratch that, copy paste the link to see the picture :)
You will have to click on the link to see the picture...I can't figure out how else to get it on here! Scratch that, copy paste the link to see the picture :)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Not only is Tulo the name of my favorite member of the Colorado Rockies, it is also the name of my kitten. Amy has been asking for pictures so Amy this blog is for you :) Since getting a kitten days before Christmas I have been spoiling him rotten. He has the world's greatest cat condo and some other pretty cool toys. Having a cat around the apartment has been nice, he greets me with a hug when I get home. He is a fiesty little guy who likes to wake me up in the middle of the night with gentle bite to the nose! He is quickly learning I do not appreciate being woken up that way. Now I am officially one of those people who post pictures of their pets on the internet :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Greeley Showdown
Who wouldn't enjoy spending their three day weekend in the great town of Greeley? It was freezing and smelled of fresh manure and slaughter houses. Thankfully, inside the Island Grove Facility, my favorite sport was being played by girls ages 12-18. This was the first time I have coached a 13 and under team at a three day tournament. The girls learned a lot and played so well! At the end of the three days of competition I left their physically exhausted and with little voice left. I also left there with my heart filled with joy about what these girls are accomplishing despite the obstacles in their lives. I love being a coach and could think of no place I would have rather been than in the gym with those girls. Okay well maybe in Hawaii with Nicole or Australia with Amy!!! I miss you guys!
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