This week has been full of ups and downs. I was coaching at crossroads all weekend (see previous blog :) When I returned to school on Tuesday, I was greeted by my hilarious crew of students I am blessed to work with. (Here comes the funny part ) One of the little girls I work with has been sick and was incessantly wiping her nose. I said, just blow it and get it over with! (In my nicest teacher voice of course) She did and then like all kids do, she had to look at what came out....then she said loudly, "Good thing I didn't blow my brains out!"
That afternoon I was totally surprised at the staff meeting. I was voted Teacher of the Year for my building. My response all week has been, "Who? Me?" I can't even believe it. (That was the good part)
Shortly after that, I went to my room and checked my email. (This is where it gets sad) My aunt had emailed me about my cousin in Baltimore. My dad and I had the amazing opportunity to visit my cousin Mike and his wife Melanie at the end of our baseball trip. They have five boys ages 10,8,6,3 and 9 months. That day, Caleb, the beautiful three year old was diagnosed with leukemia and admitted to the hospital. I thought of the time I spent there this summer and started to cry. I can't even imagine how they are going to balance the treatments and the boys at home. I emailed my aunt, called Mike and offered my help over spring break. I will be there for a week doing what I can to help them during this time. Please pray for Caleb and his family. His little body is undergoing chemotherapy already. Here are some pictures of the family.
This is Connor and I, Caleb is in the background.
This is Caleb
Here he is again :)
Thanks for your prayers!
1. Thanks for sharing the funny kid story - I miss those!
2. I AM SO EXCITED YOU GOT TEACHER OF THE YEAR!!! Seriously, there is no one more deserving than you, Katie! And I didn't even get to add my vote, which would have definitely gone to you as well:).
3. That is so sad about your cousin. I will certainly be praying for precious Caleb and his family(your family). What a blessing that you'll be able to go help out during spring break. Just one more week! Can't wait to hear about it! Love ya & miss you!
Congrats Teacher of the Year! You rock!!! I am sure that your help in Baltimore is going to be much needed. I hope all goes well in Caleb's treatments. He seems like a kid who is going to be a fighter.
Congrats on teacher of the year! That is so fabulous! I was nominated this year...but not voted yet! Hope all is well!
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