Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stevensville, Maryland

I am here in Maryland! I haven't figured out how to post pictures from this computer, so that may have to wait until I get back home...sorry in advance for the lack of fun photos to view.

From the moment I arrived here, I have a had a shadow by the name of Connor, Shorty is his nickname:) Shorty is six years old and full of more energy and excitement than I have ever seen. He can occasionally be caught full of emotion and doing his best to fight off his older brothers:) Mostly he is just following me around begging me to play him in basketball, wii, or car racing on the arcade video games they have here.

Casey is the oldest boy and enjoys showing me around the neighborhood on the family golf cart. Even though he is 10 and not 14(the minimum age required for golf card driving) he does an excellent job driving around the neighborhood. He only "hot dogs" a few times:) He is an exceptional tree climber and I will post those pictures later. He is also a master trail maker and practices in the wetlands next to his house. We have been on many adventure walks and I have found him to be the most polite in adventure walk settings. He often holds back branches for me to get by and chooses paths that aren't nearly as difficult for me to navigate!

Cameron is 8 years old, has straight A's this year and just might be the most popular kid in third grade:) He likes to kick my butt in mortal combat, football and basketball. He can most often be found playing war with his army men.

Colton is the baby, 11 months old. He is a love!!! His brothers call him Coco. I have never seen a baby army crawl quite like him. It is the fastest way for him to get around on all the hardwood floor and he can move at lighting speed! He is the most easy going loving baby I have ever met, I just might have to take him home.

Last but certainly not least, there is Caleb. Caleb is three years old and the reason for my visit. He came home from the hospital the day before I arrived and has been quite the fighter. Leukemia has taken some of his energy but none of his easy going and loving spirit. On my first day here, he brought me a game for the wii and sat in my lap for hours playing a mario game. He quickly stole my heart. He is fighting his battle bravely. He hunted for Easter eggs with his brothers on Easter and beat me in Sponge Bob uno. He is a beautiful little boy whose bravery inspires me daily. His smile lights up the room and his parent's hearts. We love you K-man!

Whenever I feel tired I look at Caleb and smile for the little miracles in life. He may have Leukemia but he will have it beat! I was changing a diaper today and looked to my left, right out on to the water. This place is so beautiful, I can't wait to post some pictures for you all.
Thanks for your prayers for Caleb, he is doing so much better than expected.
More to come!


Nicole Au Natural said...

What a wonderful group of boys! Does that make you want to have an army of boys someday? Or maybe it makes you NEVER want an army of boys? Glad you are having fun, albeit exhausting. Keep up all the hard work, and start winning some games already! Its just Spongebob Uno for goodness sake :)

Judy said...

Katie, what a lovely assessment of the Schneck boys. They are indeed fun...but also a little trying at times...at least for grandparents. Thanks for coming to help and relieve us...it was time for us to return home both to receive company and to get a little solitude. Love you and keep on having fun. Judy