Sunday, November 29, 2009

Things to be Thankful For and More!

Well, well, well, it has been too long since I last posted a blog. I have been avoiding blogging because so much time has lapsed, so how do I update on all of it....November is the month to remember to be thankful. So I will attempt to sum up my year thus far in 2009 in a list of thankfulness.

1. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to be involved with Team in Training. Words can never truly express what amazing miracles I had a chance to witness and be a part of during my four months of training. Two of the biggest miracles were raising just
under $5,000 for Leukemia and Lymphoma and actually running 26.2 miles! I had actually had fun while running my race, strange I know but not all that strange for me:) Here is a photo of me outside Petco park, yes during the race. No wonder it took me so long. I also spent lots of time stopping to hug cancer survivors and high five just about everyone. Just when I thought I couldn't take one more step, I saw a lady with a sign that said, "You saved my life." I hugged her, cried with her, and realized that 4.2 more miles was nothing compared to her journey. I am thankful for moments like that.
2. I am a home owner! I am so blessed to be able to own my own little town home. It is perfect for Tulo and me! My Dad helped me with the yard a lot this summer. I still have lots of decorating/ unpacking to do. The most amazing part I think is that I found it the first day I went out looking with a realtor. When did I get old enough to have a realtor? Or a mortgage for that matter!? I am thankful for both and all things home owner related.

3. A new car?! An unexpected purchase to be certain! Many people might wonder why you would get a new car after you total your old car, the reason is, I have lots of places to go. So now I get everywhere in my new Honda. I love it, I am most thankful for the heated seats and the sun roof. I love having a sun roof and when it's too cold to have it open, I open it anyway and turn on the butt warmer. Waste of energy maybe but happiness is never a waste! My car is on the right, this is during a trip to New Mexico this summer!
4. My little volleyball team that could. They worked and worked and had more fun than I've ever seen and they finished in the top 8 in our region! Simply amazing. Here are the little darlings with their trophy from a tournament. There is nothing more fun than hearing the squeals of delight when your team wins.

5. My sixth summer at The Summer Enrichment Program. Oh I am so thankful for that program. Every year I think, well it can't be better than last year....then it is. Life is not about getting better all the time. It's about taking advantage of the moments you are given and truly enjoying them. That is what we did, every second of every day. From doing the single ladies dance with teenagers, to going to the most beautiful church on a cloudless night with friends, it was all simply amazing. I only taught for two weeks this year and when I was gone during week 3 my friends made a flat Katie and took her everywhere. I am thankful for that kind of love.

6. So where did I go during the last week of summer camp....the JUNIOR OLYMPICS! Our 17's team qualified for the Junior Olympics in Miami and I was blessed with the chance to be their chaperone. An amazing experience doesn't quite sum it up but that's what it was. My dear friend Nikki drove 4 hours to see me for the day while I was there and we had the best time walking on the beach and catching up. Oh yes, and Nikki was pregnant while I was there, Lila made her grand entrance to the world on November 4, 2009. As you can see, I loved her already!

7. Off to Maryland for a fun visit before school and volleyball started. I went to Maryland 3 times this year. The boys are getting bigger and Caleb is stronger by the day. He currently has 19 months left of treatment and plans are in the works for summer 2011 and his big party when he makes it through!

8. My high school volleyball team. I should probably dedicate another day and another blog just for these amazing young women. We had more fun than I could have imagined and they all will hold a special place in my heart for many years to come. If you have talked to me at all during the season, they are probably all I talked about. Thank you for enduring that. It was an amazing time that ended too soon as usual. I am so blessed to know each and every one of those girls. I have learned so much from them. They day I stop learning from the players, will be the day I hang it up. We have so much to learn from one another.
9. My friends. I wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for my amazing, inspiring, loving and truly exceptional friends. They travel to see me, pick me up when I'm down, have amazing adventures with me and just love me and for that I am so grateful! My best friend Nicole got married in January. I am so happy for her and Adam. This adventure was at the Muddy Buddy with Danielle, Eric and Andrea!

10. My family. From my parents who do anything for me, even take care of my cat while I am off gallavanting around the country. My sister who is a constant source of love and support. My brother who I love to visit in the summer or any time at all! My niece and nephew, the loves of my life. There is nothing better than the sound of "AUNT KATIE!!!" when I walk in the door.

Well now that we are all caught up, I'll try to blog more regularly, mini novels can be so tough to digest all in one sitting:) There are many fabulous moments and amazing people that I failed to mention in this blog. Please know that I am thankful for you and the memories. God is continuing to bless my life in ways I didn't think were possible. Thanks be to God:)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just what you need

Training for the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon with Team in Training is changing my life. I started this endeavor in honor of my four year old cousin, Caleb Schneck, who was diagnosed with ALL just 13 months ago. I started this journey on the day of his fourth birthday. I started it thinking that this would be something I could do to honor him and his amazing family. I started this thinking I could bring them hope, inspiration, and encouragement. Amazingly enough, I have been the recipient of hope, inspiration, and encouragement.
Since taking on this endeavor I have raised 3,300. I have done nothing more than send an email. People I know and love have donated and have passed on the email to people I have never met. People I have never met account for 31 out of 41 online donations on my fundraising page (You can go there now to donate if you feel so inclined:) :)They know Caleb or they know me by two or three degrees of separation and care enough to give to a life saving cause. It is humbling and awe inspiring to be the recipient of love like this.
Today I have been encouraged, and inspired by one of the coaches for our Central Denver team, John. I have had what some may call a rough week. I have been sick, battling a cold complete with one doosey of a cough. I was in a car accident on Sunday, and on Wednesday found out that they are considering my car a total loss. I have been running, coaching, teaching, car shopping, packing, and coughing...a lot. (I am moving on May 1st.) I am exhausted. When I get exhausted like this I am quick to note that the exhaustion I am experiencing is self induced and nothing compared to what the people I am running for experience due to Chemo and the battle raging in their bodies. However, today I couldn't shake the fact that I am exhausted and sick. I had a bad morning, woke up late for our three hour run, drove to the wrong location and arrived at the correct location 40 minutes late. I signed in and took off, determined to make my run happen today.

I was inspired greatly by all the words off encouragement and waves from my fellow team in training teammates and a big high five and smile from Coach Greg. As the miles wore on and the cough heated up, the run became quite laborious. I couldn't fathom that anyone would be at the finish waiting for me, one participant, who was ridiculously late, to finish my training run. No one should be there waiting for me when I failed to set my alarm and failed to double check the location of the run...And yet there he was....

John was there waiting, with a Gatorade, a banana, an orange, a big smile and a high five. Just what I needed. I almost cried. Here is a guy who volunteers his time to coach and he waited, an hour after everyone finished for me. I needed someone to say "Good job, you did it!" and he was there to be that someone.

I think everything with this program is so directly linked to the cause. I have heard and seen patients and their families get just what they need when they do not think they can make it through one more trip to the clinic, or one more day. I wanted to be that person for my family and it is so nice that there are people who are just what I need when I need it on my part of this journey. Thanks Coach John, your presence today meant the world to me. You were just what I need.