Saturday, November 15, 2008


There was something I have been meaning to post. Click this to go to a video that still gives me goose bumps. My roommate and I watched Barack Obama become our 44th President-elect. What an amazing moment in history. I am so excited for what is to come in our great nation. The powerful stories I heard are too numerous to be noted here. For the first time, when I go teach at summer camp in Arizona, the students will have reason to believe me when I say they can become ANYTHING. What a powerful thing.

Reasons to be thankful

In honor of the month of November, I am presenting you with my list of things to be thankful for. These items are in no particular order, just an order of genuine thankfulness. Without further ado or explanation here it goes:
1. Caleb is in maintenance.... what does that mean? It means he has made it through the toughest part of his treatment. He is an inspiration, a fighter and with some more prayer and good thoughts his way will be back in pre-school after Thanksgiving. He still has a ways go but things look much much better than they did in March. Way to go Cayman!!!

2. I am going to Maryland to see Caleb, his four brothers, Casey, Cameron, Connor and Colton, and of course his mom and dad, Mike and Melanie, for Thanksgiving. I can't wait! This will be my third trip out there this year. I love it more and more with each visit.

3. I am thankful for good friends. I have so many good friends in all corners of the world and I am so blessed by their presence in my life. Some I see and talk to all the time, others I only talk to on the phone or via internet every so often. Someone once told me that you are the same person you were on the day you were born. The only things that change you are the books you read and the people you meet. What a powerful statement. I know my friends have helped make the person I am today.

4. My family, they may be crazy, they may not see eye to eye with me on all things political, but they are my family. They have also helped make me who I am today and love me all the time, all the time.

5. My job, during "economic crisis" times like we live in today, I am so blessed to have a job that I can now enjoy again, because report cards are done:) I do love my job and all of the amazing children I get to work with everyday.

6. My night job, I love coaching volleyball, we had our banquet on Monday and I was showered with gifts. That is not why I love coaching, I love coaching because one of the girls wrote on my gift and said, "you have taught me so much about volleyball and just as a person. I will miss you" Another girl said " You are a great coach, I would have nobody but you." The relationships I was able to build with those athletes have made me a better person and I am so humbled by the opportunity to impact their lives.

7. My car, as I traveled up icy and snow packed I70 yesterday I became increasingly thankful for my little honda that could. With new snow tires and great gas mileage, I am the only reason I am late for work...occasionally:)

8. My cat. I love my cat. Tulo is the kind of cat that wakes me up every morning without fail. If it wasn't for him, I would be even later to my destinations. He keeps me company by following me around as I attempt to clean house and lays next to me when I am in a work induced coma. He is calming and entertaining and I just love him.

9. Yoga. Yoga makes me stronger physically and emotionally. It meets me where I am and helps keep me strong and sane. Even on my worst body image days, I can look in the mirror and say, okay I may not be happy with just how big my butt is today, but today I did a handstand, that's pretty cool. I love the yogis I meet and how nice and genuine they all are.

10. I am thankful for my health. I have personally known a great many people to be ill in the past year, 3 with cancer. We recently had an e-coli outbreak in the area my school is in. I am so thankful to be healthy.

11. The common thread in all of these things is God, He never gives you more than you can handle, even if you don't believe it at the moment. Thank God for that and for all things.

Well I know I am missing some things but that will suffice for today. Thank you :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Month,New Blog, New Pose

I went back to yoga today! It is so strange to me that I can get myself into a place where I think I don't have time for yoga. The feeling I have as I leave class and resonates for the rest of my day is worth whatever sacrifice I have to make to get to class. Typically that sacrifice is getting out of bed at a reasonable hour on a Saturday morning. Habits are called habits for a reason and I am going to get back into my favorite habit of Saturday Morning Yoga class! I was nervous to return to my favorite level 2/3 vinyasa class because I hadn't been in so long. The thing I love about yoga is that it requires you to check your ego at the door. Yoga meets you where you are and gives you just what you need. Do you have to have the best downward dog in class? No! My teacher is always genuinely excited to see me at class and often greets me with a hug, if I make it before class starts:)

Today she announced that we would be doing forearm stand....I started to panic and my ego reappeared asking me if I was really ready to embarrass myself like that today....thoughts like, "my shoulders aren't strong enough, my core isn't stable enough, am I really ready for this pose" bombarded me. I watched a person from class offer to demonstrate the pose and she did it beautifully. Then she announced that it was the first time she had ever done that pose! Well, then I started to change my thought pattern and give it a shot.

I picked a partner and she helped me find my forearm stand! It was so fun, I love inversions and this one is topping the charts for favorite poses. Isn't it funny that something we fear can be so fun and so freeing! I haven't attempted to do this without the help of a wall or a spotter, but when I am ready, I'll get it.

Today is a gorgeous fall day in Colorado, I am going to get out there and enjoy it!
I will have a bit more confidence in my step today, yoga makes me feel like I can accomplish anything:) Guess I figured out what to do now that volleyball season is over.
Namaste :)